Evaporatori a fascio tubiero con tubi forcinati (ad U) e Evaporatori a tubi dritti monopasso

Shell and Tube evaporators LSE – SSE
The main applications of dry-expansion evaporators are the water chilling in air conditioning plants, the liquid or brine solutions cooling in refrigeration plants, the water heating in heat pump systems.
LSE / SSE models are optimized for use with R134a, but can be used with the most common refrigerants; through the selection software and the support of our Technical Department, it will be possible to get the best solution for any working condition.
The ONDA shell & tube compact evaporators have cooling capacity range, at specified standard conditions, from 160 kW till 1600 kW, up to 4 refrigerant circuits.
The tube bundle, directly welded to the shell, is non-removable: the straight tubes configuration allows anyway to clean easily the inner of tubes.
This evaporators can guarantee a better thermal performance through a perfect counter-current flow, and the reduction of by-pass flow, thanks to strict
mechanical tolerances of the components.

Shell and Tube evaporators LPE – MPE – HPE
The main applications of our dry-expansion exchangers are the water, the liquid or brine solutions cooling in refrigeration plants and the hot water productio in heat pumps.
Suitable refrigerants are: HCFCs, HFCs, and others, unless they are compatible with material construction.
The ONDA shell & tube compact exchangers series have cooling capacity range, at specified standard conditions, from about 15
up to 1400 kW with 1 to 4 refrigerant circuits.